Sunday 31 January 2010

Assessment 3: Research of target audience and genre

When looking into target audience I decided to see how the BBFC classifies 15 and 18 films to see which would be most suitable. I found out the following:
the age rating of 15 would allow us to use no discrimination drug usage but no to encourage drug misuse. Use strong threat. Hanging can be used without details and easily gained weapons should not be glamorized. Language such as “fuck” for example the strongest term used is “Cunt” aggressive terms and language is likely to be unaceptible. Nudity is allowed but not in great detail or in a non-sexual context. Sex can be used just not in great detail. Violence can be used strongly but strong gory images are likely to be inacceptable also sexulised violence is unacceptable
The age rating 18 will allow anything to be in it however there are some exceptions where something has been breaking the law to make of film and things to enforce drug usage or sexualised assault.

Horror films started to come out in the later 1890s and early 1900s these where the first deceptions of supernatural events in film form these where silent films and they were usually short in length the most notable film of the time was Le Manoir Du Diable which is credited at the first horror. In 1910 the first version of Frankenstein was made onto film which was lost but in 1993 a film collector found it and realised it in the early 20th century brought films like Quasimodo and the hunch back of Notre dame. Many early horror films were made by German film makers. The films made then influenced many Hollywood films even if they did not know it. The first vampire film was made in 1922 and was an unauthorized adaptation of Dracula. When Hollywood stared to make movies with influences of horror The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Monster both stared Lon Chaney Sr the first American horror movie star. His more know movie was the phantom of the opera.
In the 1930s universal pictures brought out lots of horror movies such as Dracula and Frankenstein. Some added the science fiction into the horror genre such as the movie the invisible man. The films where designed to thrill and added more serious elements. Universal studios continued to make films and made wolfman although this was not the first werewolf film it was more successful. Universal created more and more films such as Cat People, I Walked with a Zombie and The Body Snatcher.

The 1950s saw advancement in technology and the form of horrors became less gothic and fell under three different sub genres horror of personality film, the horror of Armageddon film and the horror of the demonic film. A series of low budget movies featuring humanity overcoming different things such as alien invasions deadly mutation of people, plants and insects. Directors and film makers started to merge science fiction elements into the horror genre one of the most iconic movies being the incredible shrinking man. Zombies started to come about in movies such as night of the living dead this was one of the first movies to show the horror of Armageddon sub genre.
During the 1970s there was financial success of low budget films gore films the 1970s started to show sexulisim within movies referred to as A-movies. With the critical and popular success of rosemary’s baby directed by roman Polanski led to the release of more films with occult themes in the like the exorcist. Some of the more famous films made during the 70’s where the Texas chainsaw massacre and the hit Halloween this was made during the same time Friday the 13th was made and showed the a new sub-genre slasher. More famous films where made such as jaws. During the 1980’s the horror genre was becoming bigger and movie sequels where becoming bigger and bigger. There were a number of sequels such for the movies Halloween, Friday the 13th and a nightmare on Elm Street. Another amazing film of the time where American werewolf in London, return of the living dead.

During the 1990’s a the horror genre wore its self out and didn’t release as many as in the 1970-80’s but more fantasy and sci-fi movies came out so the horror movies become more funny and self mocking such as braindead movies referenced to past horror movies and showed a more funny side to the film genre.

The 2000’s saw a quiet start for the genre then final destination was released and revived the horror industry. The extremely successful saw series started and the zombie genre of horror made a comeback with a film adaptation of the game series resident evil three sequels came from it a remake of dawn of the dead was released then a zombie comedy Shaun of the dead was released. Remakes of 1970’s films were released such as the Texas chainsaw massacre and the remake of Halloween.

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